Home > Performance Trial Results > Winter Wheat: Area 2

Winter Wheat: Area 2

Preliminary 2024 Data – To be finalized at upcoming OCCC meeting

Table 3 – Winter Wheat Cumulative Yield Indicies1, Area 2

Ontario Cereal Crop Performance Trials 2024
Table 3 – Winter Wheat Cumulative Yield Indicies¹ Area 2

Class Variety 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 2024
sww Ava 99² 99 98 98 94
  25W38 (awned) PBR91 104 104 101 103 107
srw Branson PBR78 99 99 99 100 104
  Marker 100 99 100 100 98
  UGRC Ring (awned) PBR91 99 97 97 96 95
  Cruze (awned) 97 97 98 97 99
  B654SRW PBR91 99 99 99 98 100
  Blaze (awned) 104 104 105 104 112
  Hilliard (awned) PBR91 108 109 109 108 109
  OAC Constellation (awned) PBR91 104 104 105 104 105
  UGRC C2-5   94 92 92 80
  UGRC GL164   98 98 96 88
  Swoop PBR91   102 102 101 97
  B700SRW (awned)   99 99 98 101
  OAC Moon (awned) PBR91   102 102 101 101
  OAC Virgo PBR91     103 103 101
  OAC Twilight PBR91       98 92
  25R64 (awned) PBR91       100 103
  25R29 (awned) PBR91       100 99
  Fuze (awned)       103 105
  12w931-256         86
  ca14015-10 (awned)         97
  Caldwell PBR91         112
  GRO-08SRW PBR91         108
  25R65 PBR91         110
hrw PRO 81 (awned) PBR91 102 102 101 100 96
  Adrianus (awned) PBR91 105 106 105 107 107
  Redford PBR91       104 105
Means (t/ha)
Means (bu/ac)107.2106.5112.7109.0106.1

1 Values differing by less than 3 within a column may not represent true differences in yield.

2 Cultivar yield rankings may vary from year to year. Decisions are therefore best made using data with the greatest number of years.

Cumulative Yield Index Summary (Intensive) for Area 2

Ontario Cereal Crop Performance Trials 2024
Table 3a – Winter Wheat Cumulative Yield Indicies¹, Area 2, Intensive

Class Variety 5-Year Index
4-Year Index
3-Year Index
2-Year Index
2024 Index
No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
sww Ava 96² 105 96 105 95 104 94 104 91 103
  25W38 (awned) PBR91 99 108 98 108 95 105 95 106 94 106
srw Branson PBR78 93 104 94 105 94 103 93 103 100 111
  Marker 97 105 95 104 96 103 95 102 91 92
  UGRC Ring (awned) PBR91 92 102 91 102 92 103 90 102 87 98
  UGRC C2-5     93 103 91 103 92 104 80 92
  Cruze (awned) 92 103 92 103 92 103 91 103 95 105
  UGRC GL164     97 106 96 107 96 109 84 107
  B654SRW PBR91 96 109 95 110 96 109 94 108 102 114
  Blaze (awned) 99 111 98 111 98 109 97 109 105 115
  Hilliard (awned) PBR91 103 109 104 110 103 109 102 109 104 108
  OAC Constellation (awned) PBR91 99 105 99 106 100 107 100 106 99 104
  Swoop PBR91     100 110 101 112 100 112 98 110
  B700SRW (awned)     90 106 91 105 89 103 86 107
  OAC Moon (awned) PBR91     97 110 99 111 98 112 97 110
  OAC Twilight PBR91             94 105 89 105
  OAC Virgo PBR91         99 109 99 109 97 110
  12w931-256                 84 102
  ca14015-10 (awned)                 90 99
  25R64 (awned) PBR91             93 110 99 114
  25R29 (awned) PBR91             89 109 79 110
  Fuze (awned)             96 111 97 114
  Caldwell PBR91                 105 112
  GRO-08SRW PBR91                 99 115
  25R65 PBR91                 95 114
hrw PRO 81 (awned) PBR91 99 104 97 103 96 103 96 103 98 101
  Adrianus (awned) PBR91 100 105 100 104 99 104 100 105 99 103
  Redford PBR91             95 103 97 100
Means (t/ha) 7.107.917.158.047.478.397.148.127.979.06
Means (bu/ac)105.5117.6106.4119.6111.1124.7106.2120.8118.5134.8

1 Values differing by less than 3 within a column may not represent true differences in yield.

2 Cultivar yield rankings may vary from year to year. Decisions are therefore best made using data with the greatest number of years.

Varietal Characteristics Based on Data from Area 2

Ontario Cereal Crop Performance Trials 2024
Table 3b – Winter Wheat Varietal Characteristics¹ Area 2

Class Variety Fusarium DataTest
sww Ava MS S 6 63.9 10.7 32.4 1.6 121 151 190 3.9 2.3 2.8 109
25W38 PBR91 S S 5 66.3 10.3 33.0 0.5 101 147 189 0.9 1.3 0.6 87
srw Branson PBR78 S MS 6 68.2 10.9 32.1 1.6 104 146 185 2.7 2.8 1.5 90
Marker S S 6 65.6 10.5 29.5 3.8 110 147 189 4.0 1.8 2.9 96
UGRC Ring PBR91 MS MS 6 64.6 10.4 33.4 5.5 110 147 186 3.4 2.5 4.0 95
UGRC C2-5 MS MS 4 62.8 10.1 34.0 1.5 117 151 191 1.7 2.3 4.9 118
Cruze MS MS 6 67.6 10.5 30.9 3.0 103 147 189 3.6 2.8 3.9 94
UGRC GL164 S S 4 68.2 10.7 27.0 3.5 104 147 186 3.3 2.0 5.3 99
B654SRW PBR91 S MS 6 67.2 10.1 34.2 1.4 113 147 185 3.9 5.3 1.1 97
Blaze MS MS 6 67.9 10.1 33.9 1.1 105 148 188 2.1 1.0 0.9 91
Hilliard PBR91 MS MS 5 67.2 10.8 32.6 3.1 106 146 187 0.6 1.3 0.5 108
OAC Constellation PBR91 S S 4 68.2 10.6 33.4 5.3 102 146 183 2.2 3.8 1.4 109
Swoop PBR91 MS MS 3 66.5 10.2 31.9 4.3 110 148 185 3.5 3.8 1.9 102
B700SRW MR MR 3 66.8 10.4 30.4 1.4 100 146 186 3.8 2.8 4.9 75
OAC Moon PBR91 MS MS 3 65.3 10.8 26.4 0.3 99 146 185 2.8 4.3 1.0 94
OAC Twilight PBR91 S S 1 65.5 10.8 29.7 1.0 108 145 185 3.0 3.5 6.9 75
OAC Virgo PBR91 MS MS 2 68.6 10.0 32.5 1.3 107 147 185 2.3 2.8 2.6 95
12w931-256 64.7 10.9 31.4 3.0 110 149 188 3.5 1.8 5.6 118
ca14015-10 65.0 10.6 34.0 3.8 104 147 186 3.5 1.8 1.4 109
25R64 PBR91 MS S 1 63.5 10.5 30.2 0.9 101 149 189 2.5 3.3 1.1 82
25R29 PBR91 HS S 1 67.2 10.3 33.1 0.4 104 148 191 3.8 2.0 6.6 78
Fuze MS S 1 66.8 10.3 29.4 1.0 100 147 187 1.5 2.5 1.4 91
Caldwell PBR91 67.8 10.8 31.6 0.5 103 148 188 4.0 2.0 4.1 108
GRO-08SRW PBR91 69.8 10.4 31.3 2.1 101 146 188 1.9 1.8 3.9 91
25R65 PBR91 66.4 9.8 30.2 0.4 99 148 189 2.8 1.5 1.4 85
hrw PRO 81 PBR91 MS MS 6 69.3 12.6 31.9 5.5 111 148 186 0.4 1.8 0.1 143
Adrianus PBR91 S S 5 69.8 12.0 40.5 1.4 110 152 191 0.4 2.0 0.0 133
Redford PBR91 MR S 1 68.3 12.4 41.7 0.6 115 149 189 3.2 1.5 0.1 126
Means   66.710.732.22.11061471872. t/ha
Locations   32322212121

1 See Head to Head comparisons on GoCrops.ca website for multi-year data for trait characteristics.

2 MR=moderately resistant (best); MS=moderately susceptible; S=susceptible; HS=highly susceptible (worst).

3 For ratings 0 – 9, a high score is undesirable. Disease ratings are taken from naturally occurring infection.

PBR Status: PBR91 PBR78 indicates varieties protected under PBR 91 or PBR78.

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