OCCC Spring Wheat General Information
Cereal Performance Trials are conducted annually by the Ontario Cereal Crops Committee (OCCC). For more information about the OCCC, go to “About Us”.
Spring wheat trials are conducted annually at 8 locations across Ontario. A map showing the testing areas and trial locations for spring wheat can be found at “Performance: Spring Wheat”. Each trial consists of four replications and is managed according to the recommendations of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Detailed information about the practices used and explanations of terms can be found in OCCC Trial Methods & Testing Procedures March 2017. Trials are inspected by representatives of the OCCC after heading to ensure that they meet OCCC standards.
“Intensive” trials for spring wheat refers to trials that receive two applications of a foliar fungicide for the control of leaf diseases and/or Fusarium Head Blight. Fungicide treatments for spring wheat include a T1 (GS 30-31) and T3 (GS 60-65) application. The OCCC thanks the Grain Farmers of Ontario, BASF, Bayer and Syngenta for their financial support towards the intensive trials.
The Yield Index reflects the performance of the variety relative to the average of the trials. Yield Indices are “Heritability Adjusted Relative Values” (HARV), which favour results from trial locations with high repeatability from rep to rep. For more information, see: Yan, W. Use of HARV in Variety Trial Summaries. Index values differing by less than 3 within a column may not represent true differences in yield. Variety yield rankings may vary from year to year. Decisions are therefore best made using data with the greatest number of years.
Heading and Physiological Maturity Days vary from year to year and should only be used to indicate relative differences.
Not all traits are expressed in any given year or area. For traits not reported in a table, see other area trait tables for that crop or previous years’ performance trial reports. Head to Head comparisons give multi-year data for all trait characteristics.
Plant Breeders’ Rights Status;indicates varieties protected under PBR 91 or PBR78. Visit pbrfacts.ca to learn more.
Days = Days from planting.
Fusarium Ratings: “Combined Fusarium Ratings” for spring wheat are based on BOTH Fusarium head blight ratings and deoxynivalenol (DON) levels from inoculated provincial trials. “DON Ratings” are based only on DON levels from inoculated provincial trials Ratings: MR=moderately resistant (best); MS=moderately susceptible; S=susceptible; HS=highly susceptible (worst)
Other Ratings: For ratings 0 – 9, a high score is undesirable. Disease ratings are taken from naturally occurring infection.
Spring Wheat Classes: hrs = hard red spring; efs = eastern feed spring; eow = (Canada Eastern Other Wheat) = does not meet quality standards for hrs; a = awned
For more information contact:
Ellen Sparry, Performance Trial Coordinator
C&M Seeds
Office# 519-343-3126
Email: esparry@redwheat.com
Joanna Follings, Cereals Specialist
Cell# 519-400-7124
Email: Joanna.follings@ontario.ca